Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal Thursday inaugurated the video server for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) that will upload thousands of web-based lectures to make them accessible to university and college students.
The server, located at IIT Madras and connected to the 1Gbps link of National Knowledge Network and 155 Mbps link of Colleges’ Virtual Private Network, will enable more than 250 universities and about 11,000 colleges to download e-content. Earlier, a Goggle was being used for uploading the lectures.
Pointing out that the server would be the largest such repository of web-based lectures in the world, Sibal said the challenge now was to ensure the content created was interesting and enriching for students.
NPTEL is India’s largest technical knowledge dissemination programme, running 125 courses in web format and 135 in video format.
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