Want to hide your secret files , information within a image or video so that others cannot see it ...
Master the technique of stereography , the art of hiding information , these tools may be helpful ,
Steganography Tools
- Digital Image Steganography and Digital Watermarking Tool Table
- Covert.tcp
- C source code for Covert Channels in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite by Craig H. Rowland. Published in f¡®sT - moñd@¥ (First Monday), Vol.2 No.5 - 5 May 1997. The article and source code are available from the author's site in "Covert channels in the TCP/IP protocol suite" at http://www.psionic.com/ or at http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue2_5/rowland/.
- dc-Steganograph
- A DOS program that hides data in 320x200 256 color PCX-files. Available athttp://members.tripod.com/~Nikola_Injac/stegano/
- EzStego
- by Romana Machado, author of Stego for the Mac. EzStego is "steganography made easy" available at http://www.stego.com
EzStego is a reimplementation in Java.
- FFEncode
- Hides data in a Morse code of null characters. Link will download the file. Available athttp://www.rugeley.demon.co.uk/security/ffencode.zip (UK, DOS).
- Gzsteg
- by Andy Brown and Ken Pizzini available at http://www.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ andhttp://www.rit.edu/~pdw5973/files/index.shtml
- Hide 4 PGP
- Hides data in BMP, WAV, and VOC files.
Download from www.rugeley.demon.co.uk (UK)
- Hide and Seek
- by Colin Maroney
- Hide and Seek 4.1 ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/hdsk41.zip (Finland)
- Hide and Seek 5.0 is significant update to hideseek v4.1 which includes a lot of new features. Available at www.rugeley.demon.co.uk (UK)
- Hide and Seek for Windows 95 is now available! For more information about the product see: www.cypher.net/products
- jpeg-jsteg
- DOS hides information in the DCT coefficients of JPEG's JFIF image format. FTP-Server:ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography (Finland)
HTTP:http://www.rit.edu/~pdw5973/files/ (US)
- MP3Stego, MP3Stego_GUI
- by Fabien Petitcolas to hide data in MP3 audio files.
Available at http://www.petitcolas.net/fabien/steganography/mp3stego/index.html
- MP3Stegz
- by Achmad Zaenuri is a Win32 applicatino with Delphi source code that claims to hide a file (of any type) inside MP3 without changing it's size and sound quality.
Available from http://achmadz.blogspot.com/2008/05/hide-any-file-inside-mp3-file.html
- Paranoid
- Paranoid is primarily an encryption program that allows you to encrypt files with IDEA, triple DES, and an algorithm written by the author Nathan Mariels. It is a steganography program in that it allows you to hide files in sounds.
- FTP-Server: ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-hildesheim.de/pub/security/idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/crypt/code/Paranoid1.1.hqx.Z (Germany),
- PGE - Pretty Good Envelope
- Hides data file into a GIF or JPG file of any size or resolution using a very simple method of appending the message to the file, and then appending a 4 byte little endian number which points to the start of the message. The encryption used is considered "weak" by the author, using another encryption method prior to applying PGE is recommended.
Download from Version 1.0 includes encryption (UK)
version 2.0- does not (US).
- PGPn123
- A Windows front-end to the program PGP, which will hide a text file inside text. Basically a PGP shell tool that also includes a steganography option. Two versions are available: pn123-05.zip (freeware) and an enhanced version pn123e18.zip (shareware). Both are available atftp://ftp.dei.uc.pt/pub/pgp/pc/windows/ (Portugal).
- S-Tools
- One of the BEST Steganography tools available!
- Download:
- FTP-Server:
- ftp://idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/pub/security/crypt/code/ (Italy)
- ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/mirrors/idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/code/ (Finland)
- Scytale
- Windows PGP interface that includes an option to hide data in .PCX files. Available athttp://scytale.rever.fr/main.html (France).
- Snow
- By Matthew Kwan is available in both DOS and JAVA executable formats.
"snow exploits the steganographic nature of whitespace. Locating trailing whitespace in text is like finding a polar bear in a snowstorm. And it uses the ICE encryption algorithm, so the name is thematically consistent."- Information and software is available at http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~mkwan/snow/.
- Stealth
- A PGP tool for steganography which strips any standard headers off of a PGP encrypted message to make the result look like random noise.
Download the file from http://ftp.univie.ac.at/security/crypt/steganography/
Stealth 2.01 for is available at ilf.net in .ZIP format and in .tar.gz format- For other PGP Tools see Cryptography and Encryption
- Steganos
- by Fabian Hansmann
hides data in BMP, VOC, WAV and ASCII files. See http://www.steganography.com for more information.
- Steganos 1.4 is a small, easy to use DOS Download athttp://zerblatt.forex.ee/~ftp/crypto/code/STEGANOS.ZIP
- Steganos for Windows 95 is an impressive upgrade version 1.4
This version is available world-wide for download from: Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland,Russia - There is an upgrade 1.0a available. For more information seehttp://www.steganography.com or http://www.demcom.com/
- Stego
- by John Walker - Send encrypted messages and files which are undetectable and require no key! For more information and syntax see: http://www.fourmilab.ch/stego/
- Stego
- Stego by Romana Machado is a steganography tool that enables you to embed data in Macintosh PICT format files, without changing the appearance or size of the PICT file. Thus, Stego can be used as an "envelope" to hide a previously encrypted data file in a PICT file, making it much less likely to be detected.
- Available at: http://www.best.com/~fqa/romana/romanasoft/stego.html
- Stegodos
- Available at ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography (Finland) and
ftp://idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/security/crypt/cypherpunks/steganography/ (Italy)
- Texto
- Texto is a text steganography program which transforms uuencoded or PGP ascii-armoured ascii data into English sentences. Texto text files look like something between mad libs and bad poetry, (although they do sometimes contain deep cosmic truths) and should be close enough to normal english to get past simple-minded mail scanners.
- FTP-Server: ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography (Finland)
- wbStego
- by Werner Bailer is a steganography tool for Windows 3.1/3.11 or Windows95/98. Use it to hide data in bitmaps, text files and HTML files to exchange data safely or store copyright information. Available at http://members.xoom.com/wbailer/wbstego/index.htm (Shareware - 30 day trial)
- WitnesSoft/
- contains DocSec - Invisible, scannable label for organizational document security.PrintAuthentic - Invisible, programmable background for official document authentication.SoftProtect - Built in marking mechanism for software protection. CopyRight - invisible page marking of for copyright protection of printed intellectual property. Information is available atwww.aliroo.com.
- Wnstorm
- Wnstorm (White Noise Storm) is a cryptography and steganography software package which you can use to encrypt and hide files within PCX images.
- Download at http://ftp.univie.ac.at/security/crypt/steganography (Austria) and
ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/mirrors/idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/cypherpunks/steganography/ (Italy)
- Digital Image Steganography and Digital Watermarking Tool Table
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