Bit torrent is a protocol , that is used for sharing a large sized file over distributed peer to peer computers in a efficient way , in this protocol , the person downloading the file is called peer , the person who is uploading is called seed , a peer after sometime downloading sufficient data of a file began to act as a seed , thus when we download a file we should also upload the file to others peers , thus the files availability is increased and made easy to download .
some restrictions made by bit torrent are ,
you cannot download file without uploading few data for other , ie when u download a file using bit torrent client u should also upload some data that u have already downloaded on that file .
this restriction is made because file must be always made available,
there exist a vulnerability in this bit torrent protocol , so that we can cheat the bit torrent server by saying that we are uploading the data , but without actually uploading the data .
this software is called Stealth Bomber , which is a open source and available for download
try this software at your own risk , using this spoils the bit torrents rules ..
may this bug in the protocol get fixed soon ... ;)
white paper on this hack , presented by a hacker at DEFCON ,
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